International Women´s Day 2016

II Gastronomy Contest for Gender Equality

In Spanish, here.

Last year´s Gastronomy Contest for Gender Equality, here.

On 19 February, the II Gastronomy Contest for Gender Equality was held at our school.  The contestants introduced their dishes and were interviewed by a strict jury, who took into account not only the quality of each dish and its  presentation, but also the defense of its relation with a notorious Andalousian woman.

Difficult, isn´t it?


1st and 2nd ESO Category

Team 1

Dish:  «Porra antequerana«

Notorious woman:  philosopher María Zambrano (from Málaga)

Reason: typical dish in Málaga.

Team 2

Dish:  Bacalao al estilo Baeza (cod dish, Baeza style )

Notorious woman:  María Bellido, heroine during the  Battle of Bailén,  carrying water to Spanish soldiers.

Reason: typical dish in Jaén

Team 3

Dish:  Aubergines with honey

Notorious woman:  Amalia Heredia Livermore,  who created La Concepción Botanical Garden  in Málaga. We recommend the visit.

Reason: Typical dish in Málaga

Team 4

Dish: Sponge cake decorated with fondant

Notorious woman: Rocío Jurado (flamenco and «copla» singer») from Cádiz

Reason: Decoration of the cake with flamenco spots  and  flamenco dress

Team 5

Dish: Sponge Cake decorated with fondant

Notorious woman: Lola Flores (flamenco  singer) from Sevilla

Reason: Decoration of the cake with a flamenco shoe, a fan  and a flower

Team 6

Dish: Chocolate cake made of cookies

Notorious woman: Eugenia de Montijo, who became  Empress Consort of the French.

Reason: Decoration of the cake with  pearls and a crown

Team 7

Dish: Sponge chocolate cake

Notorious woman: Rita Luna, XVIII Century Spanish actress painted by Goya

Reason: Decoration of the cake with a moon («Luna» means «Moon»)

3rd and 4th ESO Category

No contestants.

1st  and 2nd  Bachillerato

Team 1

Dish: Torrijas(similar to French Toasts)

Notorious woman: Carmen de Burgos, nicknamed Colombine, a journalist and writer who defended women´s right to divorce and to vote at  the end of the XVIII Century

Reason: French toasts were popular at the time in Madrid, where Colombine worked for several newspapers.


You can see pictures on Instagram. Our profile is @lacalacoeducacion

Thanks for your support!




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